کامپیوتر و شبکه::
Interestingly, the energy required for switching a single nano-magnet at room temperature is on the order of zepto-Joules (10-21 J).
A system with 1 million such nano-magnets can switch with a theoretical limit of 1fJ and when compared with the ITRS projections for double gate CMOS transistors at the 15nm technology node, this is an improvement of 4 orders of magnitude [7].
The implementation of logic operations utilizes the magnetic coupling between these nano-magnets aided by a clocked external magnetic field.
However, this magnetic field needs to be suitably clocked to properly operate a chain of nano-magnets with high reliability.
greater than the energy dissipated by the nano-magnets.
واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران